Nice to have her finished in time for her feast day on December 13.

From the Saint John Cantius post about her installation:
December 13th is the Feast of St. Lucy, whose name means “Light.”
Today, a first class relic and wax figure of St. Lucy, after a long and loving restoration, was returned to our collection and enshrined in our church.
The wax image, or ‘simulacrum’, of St. Lucy dates back to around 1740 A.D.
St. Lucy is depicted in the moment of her death. Her body is adorned with a silk tunic with gold embroidery. A large first class relic is at her feet. The little saint reclines in a glass casket.
St. Lucy was martyred at Syracuse in the persecution of Diocletian about the year 304 A.D.
“I am the lowly servant of the Lord, who wished only to offer everything to the living God. Now, since there is nothing left to be offered, I give myself to him.” —St. Lucy
The ‘Legenda Aurea’ recounts that she was denounced as a Christian by a rejected suitor. After refusing to apostatize, she was condemned to a brothel, but a mysterious force prevented the persecutors from moving her from the tribunal.
After an unsuccessful attempt had been made to burn St. Lucy to death, her neck was pierced with a dagger. Some legends say that her eyes were removed and later miraculously restored.
The wound to St. Lucy's throat was fatal, yet she never moved. She waited until a priest came and brought the Blessed Sacrament. As soon as she had received Communion she gave up her soul to God, thanking and praising Him for all His goodness.
See the rest of the story about her restoration here.