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We could all use a healthy dose of eye candy. I will feed more into this going forward.


Embossed Velvet Cope

Embossed Velvet Cope

This red velvet cope originally came from Mundelein and has made its way to a local parish in Chicago. The closure had come apart but otherwise it was in pretty good shape. This one has a rare and amazing embossed velvet fabric that has held up beautifully.

Requiem Chasuble

Requiem Chasuble

Black velvet, silver, pearls and an unusual accent color - orange. And it totally works.

French Gold Chasuble

French Gold Chasuble

I love the strength of the raised elements on this Chasuble. Yet is still looks delicate somehow. Beautiful design on this. We are going to try this technique at some point. Cardboard anyone?

1932 Sampler

1932 Sampler

Here’s a treat. Karen found this 1932 Ecclesiastical Embroidery Sampler.

This prompted us to create artwork for our own version. You can go see all of the details here.

Royal School of Needlework Sampler

Royal School of Needlework Sampler


I came across this wonderful sampler in an online goldwork forum. The owners of this wonderful piece, Paul and Jane Welters of Arcadianbliss Goldwork Embroidery Threads, were so very gracious to share it with us. If you’re in the UK you can check out their Ebay store for goldwork supplies.


Paul believes that this beautiful sampler was created by a student from the Royal School of Needlework. The sampler was often used as a final exam of sorts at the end of the certification process. I’d pass this student for sure.