The Creative Cloister
Exploring the artistic roots of our Catholic Faith While ‘Sheltering in place’
Palm Weaving
In 2020 I was asked to make instructional videos so people could learn palm weaving at home since we were closed out of the churches due to the pandemic.
Yeah, at home where there weren’t any palms available. I wasn’t sure if this was cool, or a cruel and unusual way to torture our parishioners. Some people used strips of paper and a few popped over to my back porch and snagged some to take home.
It will be wonderful to be back in the cafe weaving palms with our church family. Here are the videos for a bunch of the classic weaves and a few unusual versions. I will add more as we learn new things.
Here is a link to my fat Palm Weaving Pinterest Board where you can find videos of palm weavers from India with lots of swagger and disco-techno pop music to accompany your meditative creativity (hence the vids linked above).
Here are links to a few instruction pdfs in case you prefer printed instructions:
Here is a gallery of a few palm bouquets that can be made by combining the pieces above
Brought to you by the St. Martha's Guild of St. John Cantius Church in Chicago IL.
©2020 St. Martha's Guild