Making Scapulars

We started making our own scapulars several years ago in a workshop that we pulled together for a bunch of homeschool kids and their mommies. Making these is very addictive. The real-estate is very small and reasonable, so if you’re new to embroidery you won’t have to deal with the intimidation of a larger project. It’s just two inches. We can do two inches. Plus the results are so satisfying.

One, surprise was that there aren’t any rules for what goes on the front. It’s the wool and the color of it that determines what type of scapular you have. If it’s brown it is a Mt. Carmel.

And on the subject of wool colors, let’s talk about the five fold scapular. In the PDF file linked below you’ll find a colorful cross. It is our solution to the fat sandwich of a typical five-fold scapular – you know, the one that makes it look like you have a tumor growing on your chest. This way you have the five different colors of wool, but all in one layer. We cut out the shapes, blanket stitched the edges that butted up to each other and sewed them together.

Here is a link to a pdf file with several designs that we’ve played with.

Tape the page to a window or a light box, tape your silk or linen over it and trace the design. Stabilize your fabric with some interfacing. Iron-on works fine. Stretch it in an embroidery hoop and go to town. You can practice many of your embroidery techniques without having to commit to ten feet of orphrey for a chasuble.
A few pointers:
Make sure that your wool has been treated to make it colorfast especially if you have a light colored background for your embroidery. There are ways to help this problem using vinegar soaks, or you can get a small bottle of Dharma dye fixative from this site. This is especially important for the ‘five fold’ scapular design.
Another concern is the choice of ribbon used to connect the scapulars. It will need to hold up to some heavy wear, especially if your scapular is going to be worn by anyone like my teenage boys. You should see what a pick-up football game can do to these sacramentals. I’ve resorted to leather laces or paracord for them.
One other nice touch is to add the medals. I’ve found really terrific small miraculous medals, crucifixes and St. Benedict medals on Etsy. I never did care too much for the cheesy aluminum ones that you typically get with a scapular. If you really want to destroy your schedule for the rest of the day take a look at what shows up when you search for ‘bronze rosary parts’ on Etsy.
For more scapular designs and inspiration see our Pinterest board.
This is a gallery of a set of antique scapulars that I came across a few years ago. I think these may have been sent out from a convent as thank you gifts for their benefactors. Check out how they use some crazy versions of the buttonhole stitch to attach the brown felt to the silk embroidery. You might want to copy some of these on yours.
And here is a smattering of scapulars from our Workshop. I love to see the variety of executions. So much fun!
We do get many inquiries about purchasing scapulars from us. Unfortunately, we are way too buried in work to be able to accommodate these requests.
You can, however find many beautiful embroidered scapulars on Etsy.